Thursday, July 12, 2012

main doktor2.....


nak habaq sikit naaaa.....
hahahhaa...tadi lam klas....aku ngn kwn aku nie perangai....mcm budak2...
ada pulak main cucuk2 sana....guna pensil titik...hahahha..
korang tau kan pensil titik tuh apa..jgn xtaw sudah laaa...hahaha

hahahha...perangai dah mcm dak2 darjah 1 pulak...main dokto2...
itu dah tak dak keja sgt laaa tuh..sampai main doktor2 lam kelas...

tak boleh belah laaaa.......
nanti nak main lagi laaa...
seronok kot...

okey lahhh....
nk mkn laaaa..hahha

jemput mkn ye semua,,,,


Wednesday, July 11, 2012



haaaa...nie aku nk cita..hahhaha...tadi aku keluar dgn kwn2 aku pegi tesco....
dgn secara tiba2...aku ternampak pulak mesin timbang badan..heheheheh
apa lagi???,,,,aku try laaa timbang badan aku yang tak berapa nak cntik nie....

tuh laaa yg aku bole katakan......
berat badan aku dah turun 5 kg...hahahha...xsangka....!
tapi aku nampak mcm sama ja...tak berubah pun.....

haaaaaa..!!!...nie mesti mesin tuh tipu aku atau dah rosak..hahahhaha
apa daaaaaaaaaaa mesin tuh....hahahhaa

tapi ...........yang boleh disimpulkan bersama adalah.....turun 5kg...

okey laaaa....aku stop kat sini jaaa...
ngantok laaaa pulak..


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yassir Tak mandi ??...uuuiiiii....busuknyerr...hehehe

aku nk cita nie....ada laaa sorang budak kelas aku nie..
mai klas tak mandi pagi..hehehe,,,busuk2....

hahahaha......patot laaaaaa rmbut mcm tak kemas ja...kering je aku tgk td..hehehe

kepada tuan yang tak mandi tuh.....

saya mohon maaf yer....hehehe...

ini adalah gurauan semata-mata...tiada kene mengena dgn hidup atau mati..

jangan marahhh yassir.....ampunkan saya


Monday, July 9, 2012

gelak besar!!..hahahahahah


hahahha...hari ni aku gelak besar laa...pagi2 dah ley buat lawak.. kan ada kuiz economic..hehehhe...
lawak gilaa...aku tak taw laa apa yg aku jawab...rasa macam nk hentak ja kepala kat atas meja td pagi..
tapi tak pa..aku sabar jaa...kang..lau aku hentak kepala kat atas meja...tak jawab pulak quiznyer....x dapat pulak markah nanti....

hehehhe...yang lawaknyer tadi..semua pakat2 dok _ _ _ _...(heheheheh)
paham2 je laaa......pening kot economic tadi.....
jawapan aku x taw laa btoi ke tdk..hrp2 ada laaa yg btoi gak kn..??..

okey laaa...aku stop kat sini jew laa...
aku nk p klas dah nie...
nk p klas pon bole update blog lagi..hehehe
tak pe....rutin harian katakn...

okey laaa..bye...




huh!..ary nie aku neves sgt....sebab ada presentation tok public speaking....
mau xketaq aku dibuatnya....kena introduce diri kita sendiri..
aku ketaq tadi smpai tgn aku sejuk laa...tapi aku tgk org lain present..okey ja,,,,xketaq macam aku pon...
aku kot yang terlebih over..!!..hahahhaa......

tapi akhirnya aku dpt lakukan dgn terbaik walaupun tergagap jugak aku kat depan td...
nasib laa budak klas mai sikit ja..kalau tak..mampos aku!!...malu dibuatnya....

besa laaa..aku kan SHY SHY CAT...hahhaha!,,(malu la sgt kan..alaa...ppprrraaahhhh!!)
aku nie bole dikatakan pemalu la jugak...kalau mai time nk present...ketaq aku nie len macam ja...
macam ada org simbah ayaq sejuk kat aku 1 kolah swimming pool tuh laaa...
aku tak tau nk hilangkan rasa ketaq aku nie...

nanti terbawak-bawak pulak masa nak kawen..hahahha......
harap2 tak cm tuh laahhh....

okey laaahhh...stop kat sini je laaa...
aku malas nk cita panjang2..point dia sekarang nie...aku nak bagi tau yang aku nie nevess masa present tadi ja...hahaha

okey laahh...

Friday, July 6, 2012


We used to love,
please don’t make me cry
To me, it’s only you
When I close my eyes, I see you –
when I block my ears, I hear you
Please don’t leave me.
The person who became
a light in my dark life,
such a precious person
A day passes and another passes
and I long for you more,
even as I sing this song
We used to love,
please don’t make me cry
To me, it’s only you
When I close my eyes, I see you –
when I block my ears, I hear you
Please don’t leave me
You might come back,
because you might return,
again today, I wait for you
You don’t know, you don’t know
how much I’m hurting,
even as I sing this song
We used to love,
please don’t make me cry
To me, it’s only you
When I close my eyes, I see you –
when I block my ears, I hear you
Please don’t leave me
If I were to chose between you and the world 
Even if everything is taken away from me, if it’s you, I’m okay
Day or night, I’m thirsty for love
My unseemly promise to forget you makes me cry again,
can you hear me?
The only thing I want from you is you
Without you, I can’t do anything
If you hear this song, please come back, come back
The more I love, (Ahh~~)
the gaunter I get
To me, it’s only you
We use to love,
please don’t make me cry
Please don’t leave me
Yeah uh uh,
in the end, you turn away and you keep me away
I threw away my pride and like a crazy person, I followed you
But my heart urged me on and told me
Not to lose you, who is the only one in the world
I pretended to smile, pretended to be fine
This is the last song I am singing to you
Please don’t leave me